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My 6 insights at Climate Week NYC

My 6 insights at Climate Week NYC Good morning, folks. In today’s 2-minute read, we’ll cover these 4 nuggets below — as delightful as a sunny September in NYC’s Madison Square Park. Climate Startups amp; Investment: #1 — 🏢 My 6 insights from Climate Week NYC #2 — 🙄 Don’t be too pious when promoting climate tech Productivity amp; Leadership: #3 — 💯 Take this personality test: PANAS #4 — 📏What if you assumed the best (not the worst)? Onward and upward, Chris P.S. Want more? Read 120+ prior newsletter issues here. #1 — 🏢 My 6 insights from Climate Week NYC First, it was so nice to meet many of you newsletter readers in NYC — Daniel, Peter, Ed, Cindy, Jane, and so many more! 🙏 OK, here is a super short version of my much longer notes: The enthusiasm around climate tech startups and investment this year was 20x the power and density of last year. Next year, I’ll probably attend all five days. “The era of the climate scientist is over. It’s now the era of the climate storyteller and climate salesman.” — Provocative! While not entirely true, the last half is. To mainstream this stuff, we all need to use more stories and talk of co-benefits (e.g., jobs, health) versus relying on data and a climate focus alone. “95% of all GHG emissions between now and 2100 will come from outside the U.S.” — While the U.S. is a big player and our actions have ripple effects beyond our borders, the real work is to be done overseas. Thanks to friends like Nicole Poindexter, CEO at Energicity, who are blazing this trail. “We’re lucky to be alive now in order to have a fighting chance to reverse the worst of climate change.” — As daunting as it can feel sometimes to do this hard work right now, it would be much worse to fast forward 50 years where our ability to make changes was smaller and even harder. “The Department of Energy proposes that Adoption Readiness Levels (ARL) should be a new measure to complement Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) metrics.” — Good idea. Once a project achieves TRL 9 (top of the scale for new tech), it’s not yet bankable at scale for project financiers. JUST Climate, a $1.5B private equity fund by Generation Investment, will focus on industrial climate solutions and have 100% of its fund manager profit share (aka, carried interest, promote) tied to hitting climate metrics, not just financial metrics.” — This is huge and should make all fund managers quiver. My 6 insights at Climate Week NYC


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