Minimum content requirements

Que significa "Minimum content requirements" o what does "Minimum content requirements" mean??? AdSense doesn't state what the minimum amount of contents are. Since Google doesn't say what they mean with it I will try to sumarice a bit what I have found. Google requires that sites be up and running with a representative sample of content before they are approved for Google AdSense so they need at least 30 pages of content (for example 30 blog posts) with complete sentences and paragraphs Enough text content for content matching to work (not just images, videos, or Flash). I realy can't say how they know this if it is in other languajes than inglshit :P (english) but that is what I foung on an AdSense blog. You shoulg avoid pages that are "under construction", "beta", or "coming soon" notices or blank pages or broken links or that your sites and posts are 6 months (required in some countries). Now going to the positive thinks there are no minimum traffic requirements for your site at the time you sign up for AdSense. However, it doesn't make sense to apply until you will be able to earn $100 which is the threshold at which you get paid. A typical revenue per thousand pageviews (RPM) is $1. So you need 100,000 page views to expect to make money with Google AdSense. What does “Low Content Value” mean? Low content value google adsense - Tech Guide CentralLow content value says Google Adsense Believe it or not, one of Google Adsense’s criteria for being approved is that your site needs to have reached a certain amount of content and this content has to be unique and valuable. It’s important to understand that Low Content Value can mean a number of things. Perhaps Google is trying to be as general as possible since giving a long explanation to each situation would take up a lot of resources. Google requires that sites be up and running with a representative sample of content before they are approved for Google AdSense. At least 30 pages of content (for example 30 blog posts) with complete sentences and paragraphs Enough text content for content matching to work (not just images, videos, or Flash) No "under construction", "beta", or "coming soon" notices No blank pages or broken links Own your website for at least 6 months (required in some countries) There are no minimum traffic requirements for your site at the time you sign up for AdSense. However, it doesn't make sense to apply until you will be able to earn $100 which is the threshold at which you get paid. A typical revenue per thousand pageviews (RPM) is $1. So you need 100,000 page views to expect to make money with Google AdSense. --> "Minimum content requirements" significa (ya parece Fox cuando decía que el presi quiso decir A y no B que es lo que dijo) 30 páginas de contenido (30 pages of content) de palabras hechas oraciones (no simplemente palabras a diestra e siniestra) y no sólo gráficas y nada de bajo construcción, beta ni nada de ello, terminadas

Entiendo que es un mensaje molesto pero por algo quieren hacer un blog y creo que 30 posts tampoco es demasiado, no es fácil pero posible. 


  1. ya se que van a decir que 30 páginas de texto es un buen, que páginas con puras imágenes no cuentan, etc. Pero véanlo del punto positivo: se que es un "buen" para unos pero yo digo para que quieren aterrorizar al mundo con sus supuestas "sabidurías" con un o unos blogs???? Si sólo lo hacen por el varín mejor olvídenlo, eso lo pueden ganar como narcomenudista como cualquier vago. Pero por algo empezaron con un o más (yo con 4 de los que espero monetarizar 3) blogs.

    At least 30 pages of content (for example 30 blog posts) with complete sentences and paragraphs
    Enough text content for content matching to work (not just images, videos, or Flash)
    No "under construction", "beta", or "coming soon" notices
    No blank pages or broken links
    Own your website for at least 6 months (required in some countries)


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